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Two steps forward, one step back.

Today turned out to be somewhat of a difficult rehearsal. Everyone physically turned up, but we hadn't worked on our individual parts over the break so it was as if last week's rehearsal had never occurred. Not only had we not worked on our parts, no-one had brought their notes from last week so those that were encountering difficulties with the translations needed help re-translating their parts. The best we were able to accomplish was 3/4 of a run-through a dialogue circle at the very end, and this was a rough run-through. This was somewhat disconcerting given we perform next week and only have one dress rehearsal left before doing so.

I had to reiterate our need to use time wisely during rehearsal and how it was important we work on our parts outside of our time together when asked of us, that way we can be as prepared as possible so when it comes time for the performance, we can go in confidently as opposed to "not wanting to perform." There were plenty who spoke of being busy and their other commitments; I reminded them we all were in that boat.

The good news is that James was able to check out our audio equipment and we have at least four microphones we will be able to utilize during our performance. It also seems the set-up will be pretty basic so at least the audience will be able to hear us; my hope is they will be able to understand us as well; and be entertained.


Lock St, Dade City, FL 33523, USA


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