5 weeks away!
We have good news and bad news. I like to start with the bad news first, so let's go ahead with that: DTC has decided to move in a different direction than I had initially intended, which is fine. That's not really the bad news. But I will say I was somewhat at a loss in the middle of our rehearsal today, when I felt like no one in our group was giving me, or the work, their undivided attention. We had already created about three different dramatizations and when it came time to revisit them, none were as dramatic or as explosive as they had initially been created. We tried to just move on to the next theme and scene, but to no avail. So we took a seat and worked out what need to be fixed in order for us to make our March 31st deadline.
The good news is that I felt we had a positive, constructive discussion and when it was done, we had a new focus and energy which seemed to really impact the work. It has been decided we will revisit one of our previous performances and tweak it so as to include the 10 people that showed up to rehearsal today. (MarÃa, Sarah, Angel, Abel, Andres, Julian, Marques, Osvaldo, Luke, and Isabel.) And we did some great work surrounding the first scene of this piece. Thankfully, we can just reference the story from the original, modify it to fit our sized group, also making the story able to fit the age of our group as well, and by the next couple of weeks, should have more of a semblance of what the show will look like.
That's without even mentioning we will need to have it translated and ready to perform in front of a Spanish-speaking audience, but more on that to come.
I should have taken more pictures of our work today, but it seemed I needed to be more present during the direction of the work, and wasn't able to.
However, I did take one at the end showcasing my contribution poster to our new DTC space: