Still Feels Good!

Our performance is now two weeks old and I am still so proud of the boys for what they were able to accomplish. Tomorrow, I meet with them for the first time since the competition to see what we will be working on next. I bet they would have been ready to meet last week, if I had let them. I still can't believe they were already asking what we were going to do next!

The "Farmworker's Self-Help Organization" usually holds an event celebrating Mexico's Independence Day but given it lands on Monday this year, we're not sure whether or not it will be happening. It would have been nice to have presented our piece for the event, but perhaps we can set up a projection screen with some speakers instead and let their performance speak for itself.

I had suggested we present the piece in Spanish so the community would be able to enjoy it in their own language, but this kind of spooked the boys. Still, I believe it will be a necessary step and we can begin preparing now so we will be ready for the next community event occurring on the Monday before Turkey Day.

I am including some more "behind-the-scenes" pics I was able to take during our competition adventure. Our whole group (except one) had never been to the Straz Center before, never been to the Riverwalk, Water Works, Armature Works, or Culver's before that day. I was proud to have been with them as they earned their adventure!