We have a story!
Believe it or not, we are almost there. We have a great start to our script, some good material for the middle, a couple of transitions, and are already talking about the musical score that should be accompanying our piece. Now we just need to flesh out the details and come up with an ending worthy of our journey.
I am so grateful we have a secure space to work out of. I know we are in a space that was reserved for "Las Mariposas," but it helps to be able to share this space rather than working out of the church which is being used a little more frequently. (And I have an easier time parking near this space!)
What's been great is that the crew has been flexible with me for the past couple of weeks, as I have had to move our session up a couple of hours in order to make my son's basketball games in the evening. And they've all been good about responding back to my texts and showing up when I need them to. I'll need to do this one more time next week, and then the season will be over and we can go back to our regular scheduled programming.
I was a little concerned the group wasn't enjoying the story we were telling and asked for some input at the start of our session. But everyone seemed to like where it was going. Now if I can just get them to concentrate enough to get through the entire piece without randomly getting into wrestling matches with one another! I wonder if they just don't get enough time during their normal day to run around and be boys, or what the deal is. I just feel like at any moment, they would prefer to get into some sort of push match with one another rather than focus on the story we are creating. Or maybe it's just their age and I forgot what it's like to be them. Thankfully, we're incorporating this into the story so they have some sort of outlet for this outward aggression!